Wednesday 30 September 2009

great collaborative music/spoken word project
uses youtube videos, the user can then mix and match different clips.

evolving 3d structures with a strong graphical quality.. Yugo Nakamura

Tuesday 29 September 2009

i have an image in my head of these thoughts and ideas forming and coming together to create a huge cloud-like object or maybe neurons, which the user could then navigate through.

ben fry's tendrill is a good example of what i'm trying to explain here.
evolving 3d structures with a strong graphical quality.. Yugo Nakamura


two very important works in the area of social data

Golan Levin - The Dumpster
Alex Dragulescu- Blog Bot
essay by lev manovich on social data browsing
art against information fibreculture essay
possible areas to explore/ questions to ask..

what makes you happy?
3 wishes
what are your dreams, hopes and ambitions?
confessions, secrets
current affairs/ news based (eg. twitter feeds on iran)

philosophical ideas..? could be more interesting but harder to get responses and perhaps too high-brow (losing its commercial mass appeal)

Sunday 27 September 2009

mapping project by architecture student friend of mine, could be used to represent the data

Tuesday 22 September 2009

PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people
mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard.
over the summer i've been looking at all sorts of weird and wonderful artwork to help generate ideas for my final project..

some aesthetically pleasing but fairly meaningless art
the dynamite show
a fucking rainbow

generative music project found on furtherfield
piano etudes
great work which grabs images from flickr and makes a collage based on the users keywords.
your life our movie

soundscape project made by former lsbu student
sonic map of battersea park

some other mapping/ data visualization projects that have caught my eye..
ben fry - all streets

I want to focus on something current so i've also been scouring various newspapers for interesting stories..
2016 blackouts
world record supernova
born to believe in god - this interesting article talks about how we have a religious centre in our brains which can give us spiritual feelings and visions of god