Friday 20 November 2009


I've tested the places idea by asking myself the question and making some mockups..
dark places - great stencil effect!

whilst i think it would make a good question to ask of people, i don't think the idea is strong enough to base the whole project on.

Thursday 19 November 2009


i have created a site which asks the user a question and encourages them to leave a response.

An interactive animation would then be made out of these responses.
I have accumulated many ideas about how to represent this by looking at various artworks that use typography.
i have analysed their techniques in detail and through experimentation i understand what works and what doesn't. These previous works are important in helping me develop ideas but i want to make sure the style and form of the animation is a reflection of the data i get and not just a poor copy of something i've seen before.

perhaps business cards with one of four questions and colours (with the web address on other side)
could be a good way to entice people to the site. easily distributed, hidden, smuggled in, stuck to walls etc..

What makes you happy?
What's your biggest regret?
Describe a place that's important to you?
What's your biggest fear in life?

these are potential question and will be refined after early testing. An introducion would also help guide the user to give more exciting responses.

'A website that encourages its users to air their feelings on a number of subjects, all in the name of art'

Wednesday 11 November 2009

genius idea? - a dark place

instead of asking people directly about their hopes and fears i think it would be more interesting to ask them about a place that makes them happy, sad or scared. and then perhaps i would discover their true feelings, reveal more about their personality and get a more interesting and exciting response with a better narrative.

i would ask them about the place and get them to describe it, and then go there to make a soundscape and take photos... maybe! cliche and been done before in sophie calle's work 'the bronx', i like the idea but would definitely present it different to her. for example, close up poetic photography which doesn't reveal too much about the location could be interesting combined with text and audio... short bursts of imagery perhaps.

would be exciting if the descriptions, stories and sounds brought the area to life in the viewers mind without actually showing a picture of it.

of course this idea could be done in a different way, simply as 1 question sent out in text format..

Describe a place that makes you happy, scared or sad and explain why it makes you feel this way?

Tuesday 10 November 2009


i've been experimenting with text and photography..

dream countryside this looks good
but works better with documentary photography and animated words..
dream bench
dream bench interactive

having a photograph seems a little cliche and makes me think of either advertising or silent movies. the next step was to experiment with just text..
as3 typewriter if i had a large ammount of data this could be very useful and i've only just scratched the surface. i'm sure there is a lot more that can be done with text and as3.
as3 exploding text

i like the way the text has been manipulated in this one interactive narrative text ..the angle of the words seems to bring them to life, and being able to interact adds a whole new layer of meaning.

Saturday 7 November 2009

something completely different

what's left out on the chinese version of the net? possible data source but perhaps more useful for another project.

the experiment

few ideas i've come up with so far..

one advantage of just using text or something abstract is that the source of the material could be hidden until the end. so for example, the meaning of the work would change when the viewer discovers who was providing the information.

feedback from presentation

what makes sophie calle's work so accessible? is it the way she draws us into her world?

she focuses on the oblique aspects of life and in her work there is always some kind of experiment or method.. something to definitely consider in my own work.

not documentary - translating, interpreting the thoughts.. its meaning changes when its on a screen.

instead of continually looking at other works of art, i need to start looking at my own ideas, strip away the copying and find my usp. what are the best bits of my idea?

we have 20% preparation time for 80% production, the production will come together if the plan is sound.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Bill seaman (interactive text) 'passage set..' (Rush, 1999:203)

Monday 2 November 2009

some animations that use text..

alex gopher - the child
the man with the beautiful eyes
I have been thinking about my audience and the works' social political context...

social political context
philosophical insight into the human mind. looking in on other people to make sense of ourselves. looking in rather than out.

i want to make conceptually sound work which will be accessible and appeal to a broad audience. much of my work in the past has been difficult to show without some kind of explanation of media theory.