Saturday 31 October 2009

some notes/highlights from sophie calle's amazing exhibtion

'take care of yourself'
romance writer

i started to think about what made this exhibition special..
  • a close examination of the human mind/condition, we are drawn into her world and made to feel at home
  • the artwork was easy to relate to and perhaps because of this it grabbed me emotionally

some of her other projects which either appeal to me or relate to my research..

'cash machine'

'couldn't capture death'

east germany project
the lift by marc isaacs. great documentary which inspired us to make 360

Wednesday 28 October 2009

review of sophie calle's exhibition.. 'This exhibition leads you into the profundities of other lives, other hearts.'

Tuesday 27 October 2009

2 way screen idea

perhaps as the user navigates through the thoughts and ideas other members of the audience could see through the screen from the other side. so the other person would see the text and an image of another person reading it.... side-on to get better effect, straight on passport photo style, not good!

interactive or not?

it has occured to me that the users interactions could add meaning to the work.

for example, the thoughts and ideas the user chooses to read would reveal something about their personality.

allows the user to become a voyeur, which is a definite winner in todays social networking society.

interactivity would also make each users experience unique.

Monday 26 October 2009

v surreal argentine film called la antena which uses text and film to great effect

characters in the film interact with the text. great scene near the end in which words float up from all the sleeping people.

Sunday 25 October 2009

i've been experimenting with combining text and photography.. dream

Seems a little cliche... does there need to be an image?
young-hae chang heavy industries

letters are made up of 21 distinct parts

typography animation

Sunday 11 October 2009

I love the collage effect used in the yellow submarine, they use old images and illustrations. a great way of representing 'the people' ... 'all the lonely people'
Eleanor Rigby

Last year i had planned to present my work in this form
the black dog's progress
with different scenes opening up in a new mini screen, showing the whole narrative at once. perhaps this could be a good way to represent my ideas

lots of inspiration to be found here tate intermedia and worth looking at to get an idea of what gets exhibited.

after effects tutorials
tracking a 3d object
3d text
i've been looking at the idea of using after effects to make the text part of the environment

Thursday 8 October 2009

Calm before the storm

I have an idea of what i want to do but not sure how to develop it further. for the last two days i have been brainstorming around the subject and trying a few things out, hoping to find a solution.

Voicing our opinions through new media - Twitter shitta
I've been looking at Twitter (for the first time) to see whether it could be used to generate the data i need for my artwork. at first it seems pretty useless with ads everywhere and banal updates. however, by searching for the right keywords or a recent topical event (eg.iran) it does generate some ineresting responses. I realise now that if twitter was to be used for my project there would have to be some kind of manual filtering.

representing the data
I want to ask people personal questions like what makes them happy and find out about their hopes and dreams but perhaps it could be made more edgy by asking people about their fears, secrets, regrets and anxieties too.

one of my main issues is how to represent this idea. a fairly obvious way of representing such a personal human subject would be to make people the subject of the piece.
continuing with this idea I came up with a few related concepts..

documentary photography/film -poetic
animated collage (3d or 2d side scrollling) - traditional consumerist images/drawings/illustrations (perhaps from old ads) of people passing by cartoony flash background (surreal world etc) animation slows or pauses to reveal innermost thoughts of the participants. with their thougths coming to life and forming part of the collage.

idea of world passing us by, forgetting about our hopes and dreams.. trains, commute, time lapse - pausing to ponder.

representing the text (if any)
typography, motion graphics
speech/thought bubbles
note book/hand written
mind map

collecting the data...
texts (with prizes)
pockets (postcards in pockets)
interviews (audio recordings)

Wednesday 7 October 2009

flash tutorials

been thinking about doing a 3d collage, here's a tutorial on the subject 3D Flash

another exciting flash tutorial which uses the tweenlite flash plugin
exploding pixels
not sure what to use it for yet

Sunday 4 October 2009

i like the navigation system on the site Iamalwayshungry. maybe this could be used to explore my map of stars.

Friday 2 October 2009

illustrator tutorial about how to create space and stars